
Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014 New Year's Foodie Resolutions

It's that time of year again.  Time to set some goals for the upcoming year.  I did this on my blog last year and I went back and looked at them to see how many I actually achieved.  Turns out, I did pretty good - 4 out of 5!  I did not get #5 complete (Acquire more Le Creuset) but that's okay.  I bet I can make up for that in 2014 (Le Creuset folks, if you see this blog and you are interested in helping, you know where to find me!).

So, since last year worked out pretty good, I thought I would do it again this year.  Here they are, my 2014 New Year's Foodie Resolutions!

1.  Make pasta from scratch.  I got this little machine as a Christmas gift and I really love homemade pasta.  It tastes so much better than the store bought dried pasta!  So now I need to actually put my money where my mouth is and use this puppy (crank and all).  I read the directions and needed a glass of wine afterward.  Wish me luck.
Looks complicated.
2.  Redesign my blog.  It's time.  The layout and design will be two years old in August.  So, the time is now for a facelift before it's stale (which we are rapidly approaching).  Just need to figure out how to make it look better without having so much crap on it that it takes too much time to load (I hate those pages). 

3.  Ferment my own batch of kimchi.  I made my own sauerkraut and that turned out well.  Next on the list of fermentation with my favorite addition of spice is kimchi... yum.  I'll know if I do it right if it survives my friend Yoonji's taste test.  If not, back to the drawing board. 
The beauty of fermentation.
4.  Engage in the food blogging community.  I think it might be fun to find some other food blogger friends and get involved in the food blogging community.  What this looks like, I have no idea.  Maybe I go to a food blogger happy hour?  A guest post somewhere?  Feel free to send me your ideas and suggestions!  Clearly, more research is needed but the writing on the wall says "I need to branch out."  I just hope they are ready for the Jersey sarcasm, it's a refined taste.

5.  Read one of these books in its entirety.  They are dense.  And frankly, a bit heavy on the words and tone (ahem, you know who you are in this pile).  But I need to get schooled.  And of course, continue to grow my appreciation of cooking and food.  So one of you is gonna get READ.  And you're going to like it. 
Not to be read with a glass of wine... too easy to lose the content!
And there they are.  My 2014 New Year's Foodie Resolutions.... let's get crackin'!

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