
Friday, June 7, 2013

Spicy Kale Chips

This week, we got our first CSA share of the season.  Our share of seasonal vegetables comes from Waterpenny Farm, out in Sperryville, VA.  They have lots of great vegetables and some seasonal fruits which are both delicious. 

One of the items that came in our first delivery was a bunch of kale.  I'm going to admit it, I am not a huge fan of kale.  It is really tough and I find it to be too chewy in a regular salad.  I've used it in soups, and that works out well.  But I definitely struggle with what to do with kale as a side dish. 

But now I've found a way to make it into a snack -  spicy kale chips.  Using one of my favorite ingredients, chili oil. Light and crispy, these kale chips are *gone* the same day I make them.   

1/2 tablespoon of chili oil
1 tablespoon of olive oil
6-8 stalks of fresh kale

1.  Preheat oven to 275 degrees.

2.  Rinse kale and pat dry.  Remove ribs from the center of the kale and cut leaves into 3 inch pieces.

3.  Place kale in a bowl and add oils, toss to mix.  Sprinkle with salt.

4.  Lay kale in a single layer on a baking sheet. 

5.  Cook in the oven for ten minutes and turn kale over.  Cook for another 10 minutes until crispy.

6.  Remove from oven and place on paper towels to cook and remove excess oil.  Enjoy as a yummy snack!

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